I usually halve this recipe unless it’s a huge group.
- 4 cups warm milk (warmer than room temp, but not so hot that it’s too hot to touch)
- Add 2 packages of dry yeast
- 5 – 6 cups of flour
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup butter or Crisco cut into small pieces
- 2 tsp salt
- The basic recipe uses Fleischman’s Active Dry Yeast (original, not the rapid rise, different instructions if using Rapid Rise)
- Mix together in a warm room
- 4 cups warm milk (warmer than room temp, but not so hot that it’s too hot to touch)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup butter or Crisco cut into small pieces
- Add 2 packages of dry yeast. Let it sit for 15 minutes. It should be bubbly and growing. If it’s flat, throw out and start over. If it’s slow to grow, put it in a warmer area like the top of the stove and give it more time.
- Add 5-6 cups of flour.
- Knead 10 minutes on a cutting board with more flour added if it gets too sticky.
- Let it rise in a warm area until it has doubled in size. Punch down. If cooking later, cover dough lightly with oil, cover in plastic or material to prevent it from forming crust, and refrigerate. Can last 48 hours in the fridge.
- Place dough in round balls touching each other on an ungreased baking sheet. Cook for 14 minutes at 400 degrees (for rolls a bit smaller than a golf ball – more time for larger rolls).
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